Monday, January 26, 2009

The Challenges of being an Intelligent Guy

Hello dear readers! I am attempting my first blog here on blogspot. Though I am strongly feeling uncertain as to who really cares reading what I write, I am daring to key down my ideas( one no longer pens down these days ).

 This is not about me in particular. This is about a person who is a cynosure.  He is a guy who has the best brains. Studies are the only one thing he is good at. But somehow he is never happy. His thirst for knowledge is never quenchable. The mathematical equation or some concept in physics is the one niggling his mind. Resolving  before going to bed that he would find answers someday. He is so rapacious about things ordinary people don’t even care about.

He scores well in exams, topping through all the semesters. He believes he has humility to welcome glory. “Kya dude how much did you score?” The answer is “90 percent!” He enquires, “How’s yours?” For some reason people don’t like this counter-question. It was simply an enquiry. He was just trying to be humble, trying not to be hubris about his achievement. Unfortunately his innocuous concern turns others inimical towards him. People curse him for not being gentle enough. The guy doesn’t have the right to ask such questions because they feel humiliated at the very fact they scored less. It’s indeed a double edge sword. If you don’t ask, you are inconsiderate. If you ask you are hated. He doesn’t understand what went wrong. He convinces himself that someday, they would understand that he cared.

The guy doesn’t have fast friends. He doesn’t want any. Perhaps there is nothing that important in life to share. He believes life is not a problem with no solution, that mathematical problems are more difficult. Even if he shares, he doesn’t confide everything with a single friend. His friends are many. Each of them knows a facet of his life others are unaware of. There is a principle in economics. “Don’t put all the eggs in the same basket!” For reasons best known to him, he doesn’t put all his life in a single friend. That’s his way of maximizing assets viz. FRIENDS.

The guy had an ambition since childhood. He had many choices- to become a doctor, engineer, industrialist, businessman, astronaut or a scientist. But life has its own course. No matter how valiantly you fight, you succumb to your own concomitant incapability. He doesn’t give up. He tries his best to prove the world he is not a stupid common personality, not a face lost in the crowd. He wants to prove he is the most brilliant guy, the one he is among his mates in school or college. However, the guy reluctantly accepts his defeat, cursing his fate he once firmly believed he commanded. The defeat is unaccustomed to! Sometimes truth isn’t good enough. He was not smart, perhaps only his mates were dumb.

Now, he thinks he is helpless against his ineptitude and oblivious to his capability. He wants to break free the shackles of consistency and sincerity. He can no longer stand this slavery. But there is a dead end. There is nothing else he is good at. Now he turns back to stare at his past. Past is a puzzle like a broken mirror, as you piece it together you cut yourself. Your images keep shifting and you change with it. It’s a black hole you cannot escape out of, its edges yawning at your feet reminding you of the questions you resolved to find answers that night. 


Nica said...

Past is like a broken mirror, as you piece it together you cut yourself. Your images keep shifting and you change with it

this line is great...

nice article.. n
yu re intelligent enuf to cause that to yourself, beware :)

Prasad said...
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Prasad said...

It’s indeed a double edge sword. If you don’t ask, you are inconsiderate. If you ask you are hated. He doesn’t understand what went wrong....

really, i've seen people in such situation....

nice blog dude...!!
n yeah, agreed wid NICA...

Anonymous said...

superb......very nice n well described...keep it up :)

Unknown said...

thank you very much guys :)

Amod Jaltade said...

verry nice !!